Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I've been tagged......

(I never could get the rules clear enough to read)

I've been tagged by Lisa!

7 Random things about me.....

let's see.....

1.) I LOVE to talk!! (This is NO secret! hahaha)

2.) I can't play any type of musical instrument and I have no idea how to read music (I really wish I did though!!)......and yet I own a piano and a guitar.....

3.) I like to make balloon animals and have been a clown several times for different events.....since the kids came along I haven't gotten to do it much.

4.) I have a freakish memory of dates. I can usually remember anyone's birthday or anniversary that I have ever met.....but, I can't remember where I put my keys or cell phone.....

5.) I love the smell of the latex gloves we use in our meat business.....that is random!!

6.) I love garlic and onions. (so does Matthew so, we're good....)

7.) I have been pregnant and/or breastfeeding since January of 2005!! (and yes, I am pregnant now!!)

I put way too much thought into coming up with random things about myself!! It has taken me about 12 hrs to complete this, I haven't been sitting in front of the computer for 12 hours..... I have just taken that long thinking about what I am going to say!!

Now I am suppose to tag some people to do the same.......
I pick Crystal, Erica, Anna, and Angela!!


Lisa said...

I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!!!!

Christa said...

Hello, I'm a friend of Stacey H's from Indiana and I found your blog through hers. Just thought I'd let you know that we have a few things in common. I've been pregnant and/or breastfeeding since April of 2002!! :) (Very often both!)

We are the Kays!

Baby #3
