Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last post of 2008......

I know it has been a couple of weeks since I have posted on here! I have wanted to get something on here, but there is always something that keeps me from it. I haven't been feeling too good (I have good days and bad days....I am hoping I will be done with this part soon!!) Anyway, some things that have been going on lately:

We had a GREAT Christmas! We got to go visit a lot of family and the kids got TOO much stuff! Avery was SO excited to open gifts! Raegan couldn't care less!! I think Avery opened most of Raegan's for her! Christmas morning Avery was so excited that Santa had ACTUALLY BEEN IN OUR HOUSE! It was so funny! She kept asking if her had put the big kitchen together and that that was so nice of him. (she thinks about stuff too much!) They got the "big, big kitchen" that Avery was wanting and they haven't stopped cooking since! (pictures to come My sister got them both a microphone on a microphone stand that has different buttons that you can push for applause and Avery sang "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" a MILLION times, it was HILARIOUS! We would try to get her started on another song, but she would always go back to that one.

I am pretty much 1/3 of the way through this pregnancy!! I can't believe that! I am still getting sick, but it isn't all day and it isn't, that is a BIG improvement! I think I have decided to NOT find out if we are having a boy or a girl! Everybody says I can't do it....and maybe they are right, but I think it would be neat to not know......I don't know...we'll see. Matthew has been so good to me....he went the other night at 11 o'clock to get me some cheese sticks at the grocery store!!! I wanted them SO bad! After he got done with deer that night he went and got them! Speaking of deer, I think we have gotten in around 90! Last year we did just over 100 and there are still 4 1/2 weeks left of the season! We didn't advertise any this year....we just told everybody and told them to tell everybody!

Well, I know I didn't cover everything, but atleast I got some stuff in here! I hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas and I wish everyone a BLESSED New Year! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!


Rodney H. Kay said...

The pictures are too cute! Glad you had a great Christmas and our prayers are with you and the new little one!

jengallahar said...

Donna those last 2 photos are hilarious!!! Maybe you'll feel better soon...or maybe not ;o) I was sick for 38 weeks both times.'s all worth it. We also didn't find out the gender on Sophie. It's a great surprise waiting until the end! Hope you can endure the suspense!

Crystal said...

Those pictures are so cute!! (and funny!) I'm glad you're starting to have some good days (or at least parts of the day!)!! I miss talking to you! Sounds like yall had a great Christmas! Praying for you guys!

katerri krebs said...

I have been missing you guys! I did not know you guys were expecting! That is so exciting!!! Yeah! Love the pictures as well.
Love ya!

We are the Kays!

Baby #3
