I did this earlier on facebook and I wanted to post it on here for people that wouldn't see it on there! (Thanks Jennifer!!!)
Interview with Avery age 3
1. What is something mommy always says to you?
2. What makes mommy happy?
3. What makes mommy sad?
"me" (haha)
4. How does your mommy make you laugh?
"like this...." (then she started laughing!! lol)
5. What was your mommy like as a child?
"me" (this is true!! I looked just like she does!)
6. How old is your mommy?
"8" (haha)
7. How tall is your mommy?
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
"clean up" (WHAT????)
9. What does your mommy do when you're not around?
"clean up" (haha)
10. If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
"I don't know" (she didn't understand this question even when I asked it differently)
11. What is your mommy really good at?
"cleaning up" ( I said "is that all??" and she said "it must be!")
12. What is your mommy not very good at?
"I don't have no ideas" (she thinks I am good at everything!!! :) )
13. What does your mommy do for a job?
"clean the baby off" (.......I have NO idea what this means......)
14.What is your mommy's favorite food?
"macaroni" (I hardly ever eat macaroni!!)
15. What makes you proud of your mommy?
"I don't know" (another question that was over her head)
16. If your mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
17. What do you and your mommy do together?
18. How are you and your mommy the same?
"we look the same"
19. How are you and your mommy different?
"I'm little, you're big"
20. How do you know your mommy loves you?
"I just know you love me" (she just knows!!! I love that!!)
21. What does your mommy like most about your daddy?
"because you're married" (haha!)
22. Where is your mommy's favorite place to go?
"here" (home)
I thought this was SO funny and I would love to know what Raegan's answers would be if she could talk better!! hahaha.....there's just NO telling!
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[image: What is the upward force in a liquid]
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9 months ago
This is so cute. Thank you for sharing. I just loved reading all Avery's answers!!! Have a great week girl.
Hugs, LA
Cute! I will have to do this with my three!
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