I have a couple of reasons for the name I chose for this post!
I am hanging in there.......I am trying to be patient and CALM in waiting for my next appt. It is Wednesday morning at 10. I finally feel like that day will get here. I was beginning to think it wouldn't. I am really nervous about the sonogram and I am trying hard to just relax about it. I know I was nervous before the first sonograms with both of the girls.....but, this time is different. After all the things that went on a couple of weeks ago, I guess I find it almost hard to believe that everything is okay in there! I want to believe it though!! I know that God is in control of this whole situation and I am really trying to get ME out of His way! Please continue praying for me that I will just CALM down!
I am hanging in there.........I am trying to make it through each day while feeling like I have been run over by a truck...a BIG one at that!! I feel so bad for Matthew! Bless his heart he is practically doing everything. There are times I can't even step foot in the kitchen. I feel so sick! I can't think of anything that sounds good to eat.....but, I am hungry all the time! That is such a hard feeling to explain to someone who has never experienced it. Sometimes Matthew just kinda looks at me like I may just be crazy. Maybe I am. Either way, I still can't eat anything!
Enough of the worry and complaining!!!!
Avery is very excited about the fact that I have a baby in my tummy!! She is actually pretty obsessed with it! She talks to the baby! She hugs my stomach all the time! She asks me if the baby is crying. She told me the other day that "the babies" (she just now started saying that there is just 1) have a night light in there so they can see. Everyday she asks me if it is the day that my stomach is going to get big. If she is laying beside me she is constantly asking if she is hurting the baby. When I am holding Raegan, she is asking if Raegan is hurting the baby. Some of the things she says crack me up!! I can't imagine what she is going to be like when you can see and feel the baby moving in there.
Raegan does a lot of hugging my stomach too. I think she is really just copying her sister, but I still think it is really sweet. She doesn't want me to put blankets over my stomach or roll over too far on my side when I am laying down. She starts saying, "Baby, baby, baby, baby......." in a voice that isn't too happy.
I have been wanting to and thinking about posting on here for a while now! I just haven't really been on the computer that much. I am sorry for not getting around to it sooner! Thanks again to everyone who is praying for us! I won't wait that long for the next update! There will definitely be one after Wednesday's appt.!!
What Is The Upward Force In A Liquid
[image: What is the upward force in a liquid]
What is the upward force in a liquid
Buoyant force is the upward force that fluids exert on all matter. Force...
9 months ago
I'm sorry you are sick....hang in there!:) Love you.
Praying for Wednesday's appointment!
Praying for your appt. Looking forward to hearing your update. Praying too that the sickness will subside soon!!!
Love you
You better come see me Wednesday. I will be at work. Reagan is so protective~~she may end up and OB one day; Avery too for that matter. Not much longer.
Will keep you lifted up! All will be well.
Hey girl-I know how you feel w/ the sickness. I was sick from 6 weeks on up to during labor! I am sorry you feel so yucky. you are definitely in my prayers and you've been on my mind since I read your last post. I hope everything goes well @ the doctor and I hope you can find something to make you feel better =) Til then, God bless..
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