Well, I am 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant with #3.......
I am really excited, but I think I am in a state of shock. It hasn't really hit me yet exactly what is going on here. Surely it will hit me before July. That is when the "due date" is. July 7th.....of course when I have my first sonogram that date may be adjusted a couple of days one way or the other.
I took a test that had 2 lines (1 line=negative and 2 lines=positive). The second line was VERY faint. Everyone I talked to said that a line is a line is a line.....it doesn't matter how light it is. With the tests I took with Avery and Raegan there was NO question that they were positive. I took a few more tests that all had the very faint line. I called my doctor and they let me come in to do a test in the office and they ended up doing 2 that were both positive.....but faint. In all I have had about 8 positive tests.......after that I guess I realized that I may really be pregnant.
Avery is really excited, but says that she wants a girl. She said that she likes boys, but she doesn't want to have to take care of one. She also says that there are 2 babies in there. She has named them Austin and Scoop. (Austin is her favorite name these days......she names all her baby dolls Austin and the little puppy dogs that you have to name on her computer game are Austins too!)
Raegan will nod her head when we ask her if she wants a baby .....but she has no clue what that really means....bless her heart! And she will nod her head if you ask her if she wants a poke in the eye, so you can't really go by that anyway.
Just please keep us in your prayers!! The first part is the worst for me (or has been for the first 2) with the morning sickness and then just not knowing what is going on in there.....before you can feel them moving, it's like "are you okay in there???" I am just giving this baby to God and I know that He will take care of us however He sees fit!!
I know every pregnancy is different, but I was sick with both of the girls. (It was over at 12 weeks with Avery and lasted a few weeks longer with Raegan....I hope that isn't a pattern!!!) Now I have them to take care of and we have the deer business that I have to help Matthew with!! That will be fun during morning sickness......wrapping raw deer meat......yay!
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween!!
~Donna K
What Is The Upward Force In A Liquid
[image: What is the upward force in a liquid]
What is the upward force in a liquid
Buoyant force is the upward force that fluids exert on all matter. Force...
9 months ago
wow, congratulations! what a blessing!! sending prayers for a healthy pregnancy. keep us posted!!!
Congrats to you! Children are such a blessing from God.
Hey, the mini van is great. I have loved mine since day one!
umm humm....I told you!!! A line is a line.... I love our van too! Best wishes getting through deer season!
YAY =)..!!!!! Congrats congrats!
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