Friday, September 26, 2008

"Twu-yee Amazing!"

A few things I wanted to share......

When I kissed Avery goodnight a couple of nights ago she wiped her mouth...then she said, "I'm not wiping it all off, just a little bit."

The other day, Avery was using the potty and Raegan had gone in the bathroom with her. I heard Raegan calling me in her usual I've-done-something-I-shouldn't-have-please-come-help voice. When I got in the bathroom Avery was sitting on the potty and Raegan was standing on the tank behind the potty!! According to Avery she climbed up there while Avery was on the potty. (She climbs on EVERYTHING, but that was definitely a first!!)

When I got Avery out of the bathtub the other day, I wrapped her in her towel and then she just stood in front of the mirror looking at herself. I heard her say "Twu-yee Amazing"....(she has called things amazing before, but never truly amazing.) I said, "What is?".....and then she said, "ME"


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