Hey Everyone! I know it has been a few days since my last post....I had a great birthday! We went to eat at Olive Garden.....yummmmmmmy!!!! And of course, they sang to me!! I didn't really get to enjoy the singing part as much as I would have liked to because literally seconds before they walked up Raegan began to fill her diaper!! So, all I was thinking the whole time was, "They are gonna smell this ANY second." hahaha. Anyway, the food was delicious as always, and my sister and bro.-in-law got to join us, so we had fun! We finished up the night with a trip to Target (Avery LOVES Target and she suggested we go there) and then headed home.
On Tuesday, my mother and my step dad left on their trip to Israel. It was my mother's first time flying and it was an 11 1/2 hour flight! They have called home a few times and said they are really having a good time and that it is really an unbelievable experience! I can't wait to see their pictures and hear all the stories. Please keep them in your prayers for a safe trip and safe flight back home....they will be returning on May 8th.
Avery is officially in the "Why?" stage!! She asks "why?" about everything. She asked me the other day "Mommy, why do you have eyeballs?" Then when I answered her, "So, I can see." She said "Why?"....Every answer only gets another "why?" I just keep reminding myself that with every question she is learning! Right now it is still cute though, so, I don't mind it. Along with all the why questions she asks a million other questions like "who is that?", "where are they going?", "what are they doing?", "what are you doing?".....she just asks questions about everything, I knew this was coming, but I didn't know it would happen now and all at once. She just started about a week ago, and it is unreal at all the questions that she comes up with!
Avery has also started having imaginary pets! She keeps 2 ducks, 3 chickens, and 3 turtles under the sink in our bathroom. She always checks on them and feeds them and tells them to be nice to each other. Well, the other day she started getting them out. (keep in mind they are imaginary!!) At one point she ran over to kiss one because I had stepped on it. I told her to tell me next time when I got close to them so I wouldn't step on any. She wanted to take them to church Wednesday night, so, she took one duck and one turtle. She had them in one pocket of her shorts and their "wood" (food) in another pocket. (a quick story in this story.....she calls all animal food "dog wood". I asked her if the turtles were eating turtle food, because she had been calling it dog food. She said yes....later when someone asked what she was feeding them she said "turtle dog wood" hahaha) Anyway, she took them in the nursery at church and she showed a few people and fed them while we were there. It is so sweet the way she holds them up like she really does see them.......Is there a such thing as "too much of an imagination??" Surely not!!!!!
I know it seems like I talk all the time about Avery and not as much about Raegan....I promise she is not starved for attention!! I guess Avery is just at an age where she is doing so much, there is just alot to tell. Raegan is going to be a mess when she is a little older! I am sure this blog will be filled with her stories! She gets into everything! She can climb up on anything....if she can get her toe hooked on it, shortly after that she will be standing on it. Since she is so good at climbing I can't keep her contained in anything anymore. She has successfully climbed out of (at one time or another) her highchair, her walker, even her pack-n-play!!! Avery never has been a climber, so, this is all new to me! Anyway, I just wanted to make sure everyone wasn't feeling sorry for Raegan and her lack of "blog stardom"......well, I am off to do some housework....until next time.....
~Donna K
What Is The Upward Force In A Liquid
[image: What is the upward force in a liquid]
What is the upward force in a liquid
Buoyant force is the upward force that fluids exert on all matter. Force...
9 months ago